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Eyelid Surgery

Upper Eyelid Tuck/ Upper Blepharoplasty

An upper blepharoplasty, commonly referred to as an eyelid lift, is a cosmetic procedure

performed by a Facial Plastic Surgeon to improve the appearance of the upper eyelids.

This procedure aims to address issues such as drooping eyelids, excess skin, and fat

that can contribute to a tired or aged look, or even impair vision in some cases. Upper

blepharoplasty can rejuvenate the area surrounding your eyes, making you look more

rested and youthful.

As we age, our skin naturally loses elasticity, and the muscles around our eyes weaken,

leading to excess skin that can accumulate on the upper eyelids. This excess skin can

form folds, obscure the natural contour of the eyelid, and sometimes impair the field of

vision. Fat pockets may also become more prominent, giving a puffy appearance. An

upper blepharoplasty addresses these concerns by carefully removing excess skin and

fat, and in some cases, tightening the muscle, to create a smoother, more defined eyelid

and a refreshed overall appearance.

The procedure typically involves making an incision along the natural crease of the

upper eyelid, through which the surgeon can remove or reposition fat and excess skin,

and adjust muscles if necessary. The incisions are made so that the resulting scars will

be well-concealed within the natural folds of the eyelids once healed.

Recovery from an upper blepharoplasty is relatively quick compared to other facial

cosmetic surgeries. Most patients experience some swelling and bruising, but these

symptoms usually subside within one to two weeks. Many patients return to normal

activities and work within 10 days, although complete healing and the final results may

take several weeks to fully manifest.

Choosing a qualified, experienced Facial Plastic Surgeon is critical for achieving the

best results with an upper blepharoplasty. A skilled surgeon will ensure that the

procedure is tailored to your specific anatomy and aesthetic goals, discuss potential

risks and benefits, and provide comprehensive care instructions for before and after the


An upper blepharoplasty is a highly individualized procedure and should be done for

personal reasons, aiming to meet your own expectations and desires. If you are

considering this surgery, it is important to have a thorough consultation with a Facial

Plastic Surgeon to discuss how an upper blepharoplasty can help achieve your desired

look and improve your overall facial aesthetics.

Consult: 60 minutes

Procedure: 1 hour

Recovery: 2- 4 weeks

Duration of results: 10+ years

Note: Individual results can vary.

Lower Eyelid Surgery/ Lower Blepharoplasty 

A lower blepharoplasty, often referred to as lower eyelid surgery, is a cosmetic

procedure performed by a Facial Plastic Surgeon to improve the appearance of the

lower eyelids. This surgery is aimed at correcting issues such as under-eye bags,

puffiness, and loose or sagging skin that can contribute to a tired or aged appearance.

Lower blepharoplasty can help create a more refreshed and youthful look by

rejuvenating the area under the eyes.

With aging, the skin around our eyes becomes thinner and more prone to sagging and

wrinkling. Fat that cushions the eyeball can also protrude into the lower eyelids, causing

bags and puffiness. These changes can make you look older and more fatigued than

you feel. A lower blepharoplasty addresses these concerns by removing or repositioning

excess fat, tightening the skin, and smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles in the under-

eye area.

The procedure typically involves making an incision inside the lower eyelid (a

transconjunctival approach), which allows the surgeon to access and remove excess fat

and, if necessary, tighten the skin and muscle to restore a firmer, more youthful

appearance. The transconjunctival approach is particularly beneficial as it leaves no

visible scar on the external eyelid. Often, this procedure is complemented by fat

grafting to help support the undereye and cheek area. Fat can be taken from the

abdomen or thighs as needed.

Recovery from a lower blepharoplasty varies from patient to patient, but most

individuals can expect some swelling and bruising in the days following the surgery.

These symptoms generally subside within one to two weeks, and many patients are

able to resume normal activities shortly thereafter. It is important to follow your

surgeon's aftercare instructions carefully to ensure the best possible healing and


The results of a lower blepharoplasty can be long-lasting, effectively reducing the

appearance of under-eye bags and wrinkles and providing a more rested and youthful

appearance. However, it is crucial to have realistic expectations and understand

that the procedure cannot alter your fundamental appearance or stop the aging process.

Choosing a qualified, experienced Facial Plastic Surgeon is crucial for achieving the

best results with a lower blepharoplasty. A skilled surgeon will evaluate your specific

needs, discuss your aesthetic goals, and customize the procedure to achieve the most

natural and satisfying results. They will also provide detailed pre- and post-operative

care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal outcome.

A lower blepharoplasty is a personal decision and should be done for yourself, based on

your own desires and aesthetic goals. If you are considering this procedure,

scheduling a consultation with a Facial Plastic Surgeon is an important first step to

understanding how a lower blepharoplasty can help you achieve a refreshed and

rejuvenated appearance.

Get in Touch

526 Oxford St E

London, ON

519 397 9400

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